What makes me happy

Laying on my cozy bed with my eyes closed, I thought of all the wonderful things that made me happy. The words, food, places, etc. that comes into my mind and just make me feel like jumping from one cloud to another with joy...

1. A Pink Room

2. The word 'whimsical'

3. Pale face pink nose

4. Sweet candy pie

5. Ginger bread man

6. Pink Parlour

7. Brooklyn Street

8. Tropical Bunch

9. Plain blue sky

10. Turkish delights

11. Table toppers

12. Pretty pink

14. Rosemary scent

15. Vivid red rooms

16. Milky way

17. Stary stary night

18. Waterlily bouquet

19. White terrier

20. Blueberry cheesecake

21. Cold rainy day

22. Soft baby feet

23. Smell of Toasted bread

24. Denim mini skirt

25. Long black soft shiny straight hair

26. Lavender Cake House

27. Golden Retriever Puppies

28. Garden tea party

29. A long walk in the autumn

30. Ice skating

31. Little boys and girls giggling

32. Chocolate bar

33. Warm bubble bath

34. Beautiful view from the room

35. Magical journey

36. White Christmas

37. Candy Land

38. Purple heart shaped balloon

39. Pearl earrings

40. Colour pencils

41. Journal of life

42. Collection of stamps

43. Wooden shed in the garden

44. Tamanna Bhatia (she just makes me so happy)

45. Laughing

46. Beautiful Castle

47. Sakura Tree

48. Vacation

49. Old diary

50. Sherlock Holmes

51. Jewelery box

52. Tiny wooden elephants

53. Smell of spices

54. Garden full of beige and pink roses

55. Love letter

56. Tea Estate

57. Cottage

58. Swimming pool

59. Cruise

60. Sweet dreams

61. Waterfall

62. Charity work

63. Village tour to Nepal

64. Vintage car

65. Gift boxes

66. English tea cups

67. Piano

68. Mysteries

69. Blogging

70. Hot Milo on a rainy day

71. Bed time stories

72. Peter Rabbit

73. Beach

74. Fruit tart

75. Baking

76. Gardening

77. Me having stunning looks

78. Ballerina

79. Crayons

80. Discovery Travel and Living

81. Indescribable feelings (Whats that about..??)

82. Goosebumps

83. Charming looks

84. Bells

85. Saint Anne's Church

86. Candles

87. Smell of fried onions

88. Seashell

89. Old calender

90. Bumblebee.... (this word made me think of my sister's new baby boy~Veinthaan)

91. Baby Veinthaan's tiny little feet

92. Baby Veinthaan's tiny fingers

93. Baby Veithaan's chubby cheeks (hmmm....he's so adorable)

94. Baby Veinthaan's cute laughter

95. Ferries wheel

96. a big fat cat

97. Satay Kajang.... mmmmm

And suddenly I imagined...

98. myself having a wardrobe full of elegant, beautiful and stylish cloths, shoes, handbags and accessories..... (@.@)

99. and 365 days of new cloths, shoes, handbags and accessories

100. the world stopped and I am the only moving person......

101. myself being beautiful till death

102. travel back to the past and witnessing HISTORY with my own eyes....

103. receiving expensive presents for my birthday...tons of em

okay.....stop Jayne back to normal stuff...

104. Hawaiian Chicken Pizza

105. Car ride with Brownie's head out of the window and sticking his tongue out...

106. Finally running around jinji and laughing happily....

When I open my eyes......wow I feel so damn good. I feel so happy ... 'as happy as a clam at high water'.....yeeehaaaaaaaa ;)
